Billboards Add Huge Increase To Dothan Hotel’s Bottom Line
June 30, 2016
In today’s world, many people pre-book their hotel rooms online for convenience.
However, there is still a large percentage who don’t. The largest hotel in Dothan, AL decided to use billboards to entice this “last minute” group of travelers. “Most hoteliers just use billboards for directionals. We wanted to put ours to the test” says Hannah Shiver, GM of the Clarion Inn.
“We decided to promote our new LIKE US OR STAY FREE promotion & we’ve received a tremendous response. The hotel staff keeps track of customers who mention these billboards and have given them credit for $200,000+ worth of business over the past few years. Durden Outdoor not only helped to increase our bottom line, but made us FAMOUS in the process!!” says Hannah.