Durden Outdoor Installs Alabama’s Largest 3D Nose
October 10, 2016
The #FamousMakers at Durden Outdoor located in Southeast Alabama have always contended to be professional paraphrasers. We have a general rule to keep a headline shorter than 7 words as we only have 8-10 seconds to get our point across. While working on a new 2016-17 creative theme for one of our favorite clients, we achieved this goal…….plus we were able to add one new creative element on a billboard to push it over the top!
CLICK TO SEE THE 3D NOSE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/GD9ocJnELrM
Bryan Pharmacy is a locally operated pharmacy with 3 locations in Enterprise and Elba, Alabama. Check them out at http://www.bryanpharmacy.com/ Owner Brett Bryan knows that to compete against the big chains, he has to offer customers a better experience than the “BIG CHAINS” and be creative with his marketing budget.
“Bryan Pharmacy is proud to claim the fastest prescription turnaround matched with the friendliest customer service in the Coffee County area. This is where the headline“Sniffl’n around for a faster pharm” originated from” says Durden Outdoor’s creative director Bill Durden. “This client is always willing to push the envelope with their creative as they know it works.” The #FamousMakers were also able to incorporate the nose element into the rest of the FAST theme by using the following headlines:
Because we help your momma and ’em.